
« Belshazzar Belsheim, Johannes Bema »

Belsheim, Johannes

BELSHEIM, JOHANNES: Norwegian Protestant; b. at Valders (about 100 m. n.w. of Christiania) Jan. 21, 1829. He received only an elementary education in his early years, and from 1851 was a teacher in village schools until 1858, when he was enabled to enter the University of Christiania, and graduated three years later. He was tutor at a teachers' seminary in 1863–64, and was then appointed pastor of a small parish in Finmarken near the Russian frontier. Six years later he was called to a parish in Bjelland, in the extreme south of Norway, but resigned in 1875 and settled at Christiania, where he was enabled to continue his studies by his pension and a small additional stipend, while a government subvention later rendered it possible for him to visit foreign libraries. Died at Christiania July 15, 1909. His writings are Om Bibelen, dens Opbevaring, Over sættelse, og Udbredelse (3d ed., Christiania, 1884); Til Forsvar for nogle omtvistede Steder i det Nye Testamente (1876); Veiledning i Bibelens Historie, med udförligere Oplysninger om det Nye Testamentes Böger (Christiania, 1880); Den evangeliske Histories Troværdighed og de Nytestamentlige Skrifters Oprindelse (1891); De Gammeltestamentlige Skrifters Troværdighed og Oprindelse (1892); Om Mosebögerne og nogle andre Gammeltestamentlige Skrifter: Et Indlæg imod den moderne Kritik (1896). He likewise edited Codex aureus, sive quatuor Evangelia ex codice purpureo aureoque in Bibliotheca Regia Halmensi asservata (Christiania, 1879); Die Apostelgeschichte und die Offenbarung Johannes aus dem Gigas Librorum auf der königlichen Bibliothek zu Stockholm (1879); Das Evangelium des Matthæus aus dem lateinischen Cod. ff 1 Corbiensis auf der kaiserlichen Bibliothek zu St. Petersburg, nebst dem Briefe Jacobi (1881); Der Brief des Jacobus in alter lateinischer Uebersetzung nach dem Cod. ff 1 Corbiensis in St. Petersburg (1884); Palimpsestus Vindobonensis: Antiquissima Veteris Testamenti fragmenta (1885); Epistulæ Paulinæ e Cod. Sangermaniense Petropolitano (1885); Evangelium des Marcus nach dem griechischen Codex Theodoræ purpureus Petropolitanus (1885); Codex Vindobonensis purpureus antiquiasimus: Evangeliorum Lucæ et Marci translationis Latinæ fragmenta (Leipsic, 1885); Fragmenta Vindobonensia: Bruchstücke der Apostelgeschichte, des Briefes Jacobi und ersten Briefes Petri nach einem Palimpsest auf der kaiserlichen Hofbibliothek zu Wien (Christiania, 1886); Codex ff 2 Corbiensis, sive quatuor Evangelia . . . Latina translatio a codice in Bibliotheca Nationali Parisiensi asservata (1887); Appendix epistularum Paulinarum e codice Germanensi (1887); Codex Colbertinus Parisiensis: Quatuor Evangelia . . . Latina translatio post editionem Petri Sabatarii cum isto codice collata (1888); Evangelium secundum Matthæum . . . Latina translatio a codice olim Claramontano, nunc Vaticano (1892); Libri Tobit, Judit, Ester . . . Latina translatione codice olim Freisingensi, nunc Monachensi (Trondhjem, 1893); Acta Apostolorum . . . Latina translatio e codice Latino-Græco Laudiano Oxoniensi (Christiania, 1893); Codex Vercellensis: Quatuor Evangelia ex reliquiis codicis Vercellensis . . . et ex editione Juliana principi (1894); Evangelium Palatinum: Reliquiæ quatuor Evangeliorum cum Latina translatione e codice purpureo Vindobonensi et ex editione Tischendorfiana (1896); Fragmenta Novi Testamenti in translatione Latina ex libro qui vocatur Speculum (1899); and Codex Veronensis: Quatuor Evangelia e codice in bibliotheca episcopali Veronensi asservato et ex editions Blanchini (Prague, 1904). Of these the first, second, fifth, sixth, seventh, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and fourteenth are editiones principes. Of his numerous translations, special mention may be made of versions of the catechism of Cyril (Christiania, 1882) and the De Imitatione Christi of Thomas à Kempis (1890).

« Belshazzar Belsheim, Johannes Bema »
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